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フォトアートマガジン「hot hot hot!」に「OF HOPE AND FEAR」が掲載

フォトアートマガジン「hot hot hot!」最新号がフランスから届きました! 雑誌は、想像以上に重厚感がある巨大な作りでびっくり。




hot hot hot!はフランス・パリで年に2度発行され、環境問題について考えるフォトアートマガジンです。

The latest issue of photo art magazine "hot hot hot!" Has arrived from France!

The magazine is surprised at the huge creation with a profound feeling more than imagined.

This time, as a special guest, I introduced my work from the first page to 22 pages. I am very honored to be featured on so many pages and to be introduced in foreign magazines for the first time.

"OF HOPE AND FEAR" is a documentary film where young Bhutan seek out their existence through hiphop.

It's a collaboration of Bhutan's hip hoppers who freely depicted words and graffiti on the photos I took.

I am really happy to introduce you to the French media.

It seems that we can give a good report to the hip hoppers.

hot hot hot! is a photo art magazine that is published twice a year in Paris, France, to think about environmental issues.


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