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明日からオーストラリア写真祭head onでの展示スタート!


オーストラリアの写真祭head onのメイン展示の一つとして、明日5月7日~26日まで写真展をします。場所は、紀伊国屋シドニーの中にあるWedge Gallery。


展示する写真はブータンのヒップホップシーンをまとめた「OF HOPE AND FEAR」。




The installing of my photo exhibition has just finished!

I am going to hold a photo exhibition from tomorrow to 26th as one of main exhibition of the Australian photo festival head on.

The place is Wedge Gallery located in Kinokuniya Sydney.

It is a wonderful place where book lovers gather from all over Sydney.

The project to be displayed is "OF HOPE AND FEAR" that summarizes Bhutan's hip hop scene.

I have been there till 12th and do a bookbinding performance.

If you live in Sydney, please come and see exhibiton!!

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