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第13回「名取洋之助写真賞」受賞作品 写真展が富士フォトサロンで開催されます



@富士フイルムフォトサロン東京 開催期間:2018年1月26日(金)~ 2月1日(木)

開館時間: 10:00~19:00 (最終日は16:00まで/入館は終了10分前まで)

ギャラリートーク: 1月27日(土)、28日(日)各日14時~関(ぼく)+楠本でギャラリートークを開催します。




@富士フイルムフォトサロン大阪 開催期間:2018年2月16日(金)~ 2月22日(木)

開館時間: 10:00~19:00 (最終日は14:00まで/入館は終了10分前まで)


住所:〒541-0053 大阪府大阪市中央区本町2−5−7 メットライフ本町スクエア (旧 大阪丸紅ビル)1F

「名取洋之助写真賞」受賞 作品  関 健作 (せき けんさく) 「Limited future」 (カラー30枚) 脳腫瘍という病気と向き合い、自分と家族の未来を思い描く一人の男を追った作品。

「名取洋之助写真賞奨励賞」受賞作品  楠本 涼 (くすもと りょう) 「もうひとつの連獅子」 (カラー30枚) 自分の居場所を守るため、一般的な価値観を選ばなかった老齢の舞踊家と、若き弟子たちが、何を授受するのかを追った作品。



facebookページも作成したので興味がある方は、ぜひ参加ボタンを押してください! @富士フイルムフォトサロン東京 @富士フイルムフォトサロン大阪


A true documentary work shot with a young sensibility

The 13th “Yonosuke Natori Photo Award" photograph exhibition in 2017


JPS(Japan Professional Photographers Society)will display "award-winning works" to "encourage the development and activities of up-and-coming photographers" up to the age of 35.

“Yonosuke Natori Photo Award"

Kensaku Seki

"Limited future" (30 colors)

Worked against a disease called brain tumor, followed by a man who envisioned the future of herself and her family.

“Yonosuke Natori Photo Award Encouragement Prize"

Ryo Kusumoto

"Another Renjishi" (30 colors)

Works pursuing what elderly dancers and young disciples. The master had never chosen general values in order to protect own whereabouts.


Jan 26, 2018 - Feb 1st, 2018

※ Gallery Talk will be held on

・January 27th (Saturday):at 14:00〜 Seki + Kusumoto.

・January 28th (Sunday):at 14:00〜 Seki + Kusumoto.

10: 00 ~ 19: 00 (Last day until 16: 00 / Admission is ten minutes before closing)

Fujifilm Photo Salon Tokyo Space 1 (Admission Free)

9-7-3 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 〒107-0052

Author Arating Day

Kensaku Seki:All dates will be hosted

Ryo Kusumoto:All dates will be hosted


Feb 16th (Fri) - Feb 22 (Thur), 2018

10: 00 ~ 19: 00 (Last day until 16: 00 / Admission is ten minutes before closing)

Fujifilm Photo Salon Osaka(Admission Free)

2-5-7 Honmachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 〒541-0053

Author Arating Day:

Kensaku Seki:Feb 16th - 19th Arrival Gallery

Ryo Kusumoto:All dates will be hosted

【Author Profile】

Kensaku Seki

Born in 1983.

He studied sports science at Juntendo University. After graduating from the university, he taught at Lower Secondary School in Bhutan as a physical education teacher for three years. He returned to Japan and worked as a teacher at an elementary school for a short while. Currently, he is working as a freelance photographer.

In 2017, he got awarded “APA Japan Advertising Photographers' Association" award by the Photographic work department the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.

And he got awarded The 13th "Yonosuke Natori Photography Award".

Ryo Kusumoto

RYO Kusumoto(b.1982, Tokushima, JAPAN) is an artist based in Kyoto, JAPAN. Ryo studied Evolutionary developmental biology at graduated school of Tokushima university. He worked for new drug deveropment about 4 years(2007-2010). Ryo got Yomiuri photo award 2009 fine work. He exhibited his work as a gallery recommended photographer from JAPAN in Seoul photo festival 2010. Since 2011 he became independent photographer. Currently as freelance, in addition to shooting for newspapers, website, magazines, he also produce company advertisement videographs, too. He got selected award of The 15th Hikoma Ueno award in 2014. And he was awarded the encouragement prize at the Yonosuke Natori photo award 2017 sponsored by Japan professional photographers society. He is interested in the universality seen in personal history, and while mainly making documentary approach. Each theme is related to "loss" at the root.


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